Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our favorite four letter word throughout history

"You want me to put what on the fucking ceiling?"
- Michelangelo

"It does so make fucking sense! You try to figure it out then!"
- Pythagoras

"Where are all these fucking Indians coming from?"
- Custer

"Where is all this fucking water coming from?"
- Captain of the Titanic

"I hear there's a great fucking play at the theater. Wanna go?"
- Abraham Lincoln

"Et tu, fucker?"
- Julius Caesar

"Let the fucking woman drive."
- Captain of the Challenger

"Scattered fucking showers my ass."
- Noah

"Nobody is ever going to watch this fucking light show."
- George Lucas

"That's not a real fucking gun."
- John Lennon

"I don't suppose it's going to fucking rain?"
- Joan of Arc

"Fine, if you don't believe me, you figure the fucking thing
out then"
- Albert Einstein

"Fuck a duck."
- Walt Disney

"I need this fucking parade like I need a fucking hole in my
- John F. Kennedy


Found written on a stall door in a truckstop restroom in the Midwest:

"God is dead" - Nietzsche

Underneath that is written:

"Nietzsche is dead" - God

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! Then again I do have a mouth like a sailor. hee hee
